Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday, December 10, 2010

Long time no Blog

Here we go :)

Hmm, What can I today, nothin LOL :))
but can't seem to know why a lot of bad things are happening to me lately, probably because of my arrogant attitude *shit I admitted it* anyways, I want to get well soon because of my sore eyes :(

I want to see my dear love, she'd probably be at MoA by 2PM because of their dance show *I think* :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another Day of Suffering

Just woke up and I really had a weird dream, crap, It was like I'm fighting zombies at the mall, I always ask myself when It comes to zombies, WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A MALL?!?!?!, anyways I thought it was cool 'coz I love killing zombies, but I gotta lay-off the Zombies Games LOL, Instead of dreaming about freedom and liberation and about her :">, I always dream about fkin zombies, WTF?!?!, haha.

Anyways this is gonna be my plan for the whole day, And I don't think you're gonna give a fuck about it :))

0700 Hours: Nag about communism.
0730 Hours: Take a bath.
0800 Hours: Go to church with mom.
1000 Hours: Do technical work.
1200 Hours: Eat shit.
1500 Hours: Talk with some other people :)).
1600 Hours: Go back at home
1615 Hours: Do shitty home works and faggy projects.
1800 Hours: Eat another shit.
1900 Hours: Go online (again).
2300 Hours: Sleep LOL.

Ok so here we go, hope there's gonna be no change of schedule or I'm gonna be so fucked up O.o

I love y'all :*

Bye :D


I want to stop it but I can't, It's like something is triggered inside of me that hungers for that tiny nicotine, -.- .

My soul hates it but my body craves for it :'(

Somebody pray for me, I want to change once and for all :'(

Friday, July 30, 2010

Brd as hll

Back, and time to share some stupid things.

Earlier today when I was smoking my last cigarette for today, I realized that Life isn't about enjoying it but enduring it, as I pass by some *pulubi* or street bums, They weren't enjoying life but still they live, and by somehow It came across my mind of the word happiness, What is happiness? and Where can I find it, Filipinos are really happy and joyful people, even through the anarchy and hate in this country, We Filipinos still have the tendencies to smile in front of the camera, It's just so shameful that most of the Filipino Youth today haven't still realized the fact that when they grow up, they will realize that all the things that they have done in the past are just but time and money-wasters like, DoTA , Facebook, Tweeter or Whatever.

Ah, It's really just hard for me to express my feelings.

anyways, Conclusion is be hurt early, be a veteran of tomorrow :D, bye :D

First Blog Post

Heeyaa, since I'm bored and at the same time thoughts are coming out of my mind, better share it with others while I can haha, anyways, WELCOME for me, this my first blog post and I'm very happy after all these time, I've had a total of 5 blogs (not including this one) yet this is the first blog that I'm gonna try to maintain :D, so Followers, Look at my blogs and please no flames 'coz, nah, fuck it, I Love Flame WARS!!, haha :D, so keep on checking my blog and look for updates about my stupid, useless and restless mind, See ya, Don't wanna be ya! :)